Practical philosophy workshops inspired by the Stoics (Marseille, France)

Educational Activities

The New Acropolis center in Marseille honored the practices of Stoic philosophy.

In Athens, Zeno of Citium gave his classes under a colonnade of the Agora called the “Painted Portico” (Stoa poikilê, in Greek), this gave birth to the “Stoician” school. Beyond dispensing knowledge from a master to his student, it was a soul-to-soul encounter.

During a first meeting, a philosophie café was organized on the theme: can we change what does not depend on us?
Learn to question yourself, get out of your opinions, what to think, what is the truth, how to argue, what do you become aware of?
These are the exercises of thought approached within the philosophy café of New Acropolis Marseille.
The question of the day brings to reflect on what depends on oneself or not. What power and responsibilities for everyone within a society? The concept of inter- and intra-individual relationship and its awareness emerges.
Is the will to change the world by acting the only and best way to change the world?
And then just accept? Why value what you can’t change? Is it a change to take for such what is happening to us?

Secondly, New Acropolis Marseille offered the public the opportunity to experience these Stoic practices.
The Stoic philosophers, like Seneca or Epictetus, were able to give us tools for a meaningful existence. They give us food for thought today about changing yourself for change in the world. The Stoic vision is a holistic vision of man, encompassing his soul, his spirit, his body with the action of maintaining the inner life.

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