Navigating towards unity: philosophy, wisdom and humanism in a world in disarray (Brussels, Belgium)
In a context where divisions seem to be growing, a conference organized by Nouvelle Acropole Belgique brought together a large, committed audience eager to find answers to the challenges of our time. The theme? Unity through diversity, a particularly relevant question in a city like Brussels, where multiculturalism is both an asset and a challenge.
Led by Sylvain Cigna (Director of New Acropolis Brussels) and Fernand Figares (Director of New Acropolis Belgium), participants were invited to reflect deeply on the need for a unifying culture. Drawing on the thinking of Jorge Angel Livraga, founder of Nueva Acropolis, the speakers explored how philosophy can serve as a guide to rediscovering wisdom and human harmony.
The fractures of our society
The speakers highlighted the many fractures running through our society: social, cultural, intellectual, moral… Individualism, materialism and the loss of spiritual bearings were singled out as factors contributing to this fragmentation.
Philosophy as an antidote
Faced with this alarming situation, Sylvain Cigna and Fernand Figares have proposed a solution: philosophy. Drawing on the treasures of Eastern and Western traditions, they have shown how this discipline can help us rediscover meaning in our existence and rebuild bonds between individuals.
A call to action
Beyond theoretical reflection, the speakers invited everyone to make a concrete commitment to building a fairer, more fraternal society. They put forward proposals for integrating a humanist approach into our daily lives, and for helping to create a culture that fosters dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding.
An echo in the hearts of the public
The conference aroused keen interest among participants, who stressed the importance of these reflections in a world in search of meaning. By proposing concrete tools for overcoming divisions and building a more harmonious future, Nouvelle Acropole Belgique has once again demonstrated its commitment to universal humanism.