Author: Venezuela
“Don Quixote” wins first place at the Student Theater Festival of Venezuela
The ‘Esquilo’ Theater Group of New Acropolis Merida (Venezuela) was a winner at the 32nd Student Theater Festival for their staging of the work Don Quixote of La Mancha. In this […]
4th Intercultural Latin American Meeting (Venezuela)
This year, New Acropolis Venezuela celebrated the 4th Intercultural Latin American Meeting close to the Plaza las Heroínas in the city of Merida. Ten Latin American countries took part in […]
3rd Latin American Intercultural Encounter (Venezuela)
New Acropolis Venezuela carried out the 3rd Latin American Intercultural Encounter, held in the vicinity of Las Heroínas Plaza, in the city of Merida. About 400 people participated in this cultural […]
New Acropolis wins awards at the Theater Festival in Venezuela
The ‘Aeschylus’ theater group of New Acropolis in Mérida received the second prize in the 31st student Festival, for its staging of the work Dialoguing with the Minotaur. This festival […]
An encounter between East and West (Venezuela)
New Acropolis sponsored and participated in a forum called Philosophy, Politics and History: An encounter between East and West with a lecture entitled Politics according to Confucius by professor Ricardo Garcia. […]