Category: Cultural Activities
The Universe as answer (Guatemala)
Through our social networks, we presented the talk ‘The Universe as answer’, which in the times we are living clarifies many doubts. The message reached thousands of people who learned […]
Tele-lecture: “Don Quixote, timeless idealism” (Bucharest, Romania)
Tele-lecture on an always current topic: the chivalrous spirit and the eternal search for the ideal that gives meaning to life, represented by the heroic figure of Don Quixote. Highlights: […]
Climate Change, for the First Time? (Sabadell, Spain)
In June, the month celebrating Environment Day, New Acropolis hosted the conference “Climate Change, for the First Time?” After a journey through The Earth as a living ensemble, we discovered […]
Seminar on “Neuroscience: The Power of Our Mind” (Belgrano, Argentina)
Seminar through a virtual platform on “Neuroscience: The Power of Our Mind”. Dr. Gustavo Porras explained the main functions of the brain as well as the latest acquisition in the […]
Seminar: “The New Paradigms of Science” (Argentina)
New Acropolis was the co-organizer of the international seminar: “The New Paradigms of Science”, which had as the key note speaker Dr. Harry Costin. The seminar was conducted online through […]
Online Workshop: Dante’s Divine Comedy, an allegory of the Soul’s journey (London, UK)
This workshop, given by Sabine Leitner, offered an introduction to Dante’s Divine Comedy, which is not only considered to be one of the greatest works of world literature but also […]
Literature club: Kahlil Gibran (Sofia, Bulgaria)
The summer edition of the Literature Club at the New Acropolis this time took place among nature. The participants enjoyed the beautiful poetry and the profound wisdom enshrined in “The […]
Reincarnation in ancient Egypt: Lecture by Fernand Schwarz (Paris, France)
The Paris – 5 New Acropolis Center presented a lecture on Facebook Live on the topic of reincarnation in Ancient Egypt by anthropologist and philosopher Fernand Schwarz, founder of New […]
Talk: Tesla, Visionary of the Future (Belgrano, Argentina)
Virtual talk: ‘Tesla, Visionary of the Future’, presented by Lucas Perfumo, engineer. Nicola Tesla, electrical engineer, inventor, physicist, scientist, mystic; known for being the inventor and promoter of the use […]
Virtual event: Conquering fear and doubt (Boston, USA)
During the COVID-19 lockdown, New Acropolis Boston offered a series of virtual events to the community inspired by the philosophies of the East and West, highlighting their practical solutions for […]