Philosophers’ Night (Panama)

During our Philosophers’ Night, we immersed ourselves in a fascinating journey through different philosophical perspectives through the characters who left us a tangible example through their lives. Our volunteers presented […]

World Philosophy Day Celebration (Argentina)

On the occasion of the celebration of World Philosophy Day, declared as such by UNESCO in 2005, a series of free talks under the slogan “Philosophy in Action” were held […]

Giordano Bruno or the Renaissance of Eros (Belgium)

February was marked by an exceptional conference entitled “Giordano Bruno or the Renaissance of Eros.” Hosted by Fernand Figares, director of Nouvelle Acropole in Belgium, this event sparked keen interest […]

Taking Philosophy to the Streets (Mumbai, India)

In a city that never sleeps, volunteers from New Acropolis in Mumbai organized a thought-provoking initiative at the Maha Mumbai Expo event. Teaming up with the Mumbai Festival, New Acropolis […]