Author: Argentina
Seminar on “Neuroscience: The Power of Our Mind” (Belgrano, Argentina)
Seminar through a virtual platform on “Neuroscience: The Power of Our Mind”. Dr. Gustavo Porras explained the main functions of the brain as well as the latest acquisition in the […]
Seminar: “The New Paradigms of Science” (Argentina)
New Acropolis was the co-organizer of the international seminar: “The New Paradigms of Science”, which had as the key note speaker Dr. Harry Costin. The seminar was conducted online through […]
Talk: Tesla, Visionary of the Future (Belgrano, Argentina)
Virtual talk: ‘Tesla, Visionary of the Future’, presented by Lucas Perfumo, engineer. Nicola Tesla, electrical engineer, inventor, physicist, scientist, mystic; known for being the inventor and promoter of the use […]
Donations delivery: Villa la Carcova (Belgrano, Argentina)
The New Acropolis Belgrano Center delivered non-perishable food and sanitary items in Villa la Carcova. This is part of a social assistance project driven by New Acropolis in which dozens […]
Online talk: “Bushido. The Way of the Warrior” (Belgrano, Argentina)
The New Acropolis Belgrano Center, through a virtual platform, presented the talk: “Bushido, the Way of the Warrior”, by Professor Matias Taiah. The warriors of ancient Japan have been a […]
Interview with the director of New Acropolis Córdoba for Interlitq magazine (Córdoba, Argentina)
Among several prominent individuals from many different fields, Maria Kokolaki, director of New Acropolis Argentina North, was interviewed by Yamila Musa (@yamilamusa) for the international magazine The International Literary Quarterly […]
Volunteering Training Course (Córdoba, Argentina)
In February, the first practical activity of the Volunteering Training Course was carried out: participants gathered at the City Zoo to plant the seedlings of native species of the region […]
Clean-up in Sarmiento Park! (Córdoba, Argentina)
Together with participants of the volunteering training course, new friends accompanying us in ecological activities and members of New Acropolis Córdoba, we spent a beautiful day cleaning the Sarmiento park, […]
Cultural outing during «Night of the Museums» (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
The Belgrano Center of New Acropolis organized a tour of the museums of the city of Buenos Aires taking advantage of the celebration of the ‘Night of the Museums’ event. […]
“This is how we celebrated Philosophy Week!” (Córdoba, Argentina)
Nueva Acrópolis Córdoba celebrated World Philosophy Day with a series of events. Some talks focused on the quest for philosophical elements and symbols in the Star Wars films. In addition, […]