Workshop Kiri-e (Sofia,Bulgaria)

New Acropolis recently organized an event dedicated to the Japanese Art Kiri-e. Kiri-e literary means “cut picture”. This is an art in which images are created by cutting black cardboard […]

Music for the Homeless (Győr, Hungary)

The music group of the Győr centre of New Acropolis held a two-hour music programme at a homeless shelter in Mosonmagyaróvár. Thanks to the work of one of the members […]

Creating A Mandala Together (Chicago, USA)

New Acropolis Chicago participated for the 2nd year, on Sunday August 8th, in a hands-on creative and collaborative workshop in Uptown Art Week 2021 through the creation of a street […]

Visit the National Gallery Victoria (Australia)

New Acropolis members visited the Victoria Art Gallery in Melbourne. They were primarily interested in two exhibits examining different ways and approaches to change. Big Wheather is an exhibition showcase works by […]

Beethoven and the Hero’s Journey (Chicago, USA)

Schools of New Acropolis in Chicago, USA and the in the UK hosted an international online conference in celebration of Ludwig Van Beethoven’s 250th anniversary. The conference was given by […]